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Somalia: Dictator Siyad Barre Escapes In Tank – Archives

Somalia Dictator Siyad Barre Escapes In Tank Archives
Dictator Siyad Barre's ambitions led to disaster in Somalia. He finally fled to safety hidden in a tank, leaving in his wake chaos, destruction and death


Gezira Massacre In Somalia Spurred Shift In U.S. Policy

Gezira Massacre In Somalia Spurred Shift In U.S. Policy


Somalia’s US-Backed Regime Is Weakening, Defector Says

Somalia's US-Backed Regime Is Weakening, Defector Says
Somalia's US-Backed Regime Is Weakening, Defector Says


Somalia Refrains From Using Libyan-Delivered Nerve Gas

Somalia Refrains From Using Libyan-Delivered Nerve Gas
Siyad Barre with Moammar Gaddafi


Somalia Fights Charges Of Human Rights Abuses

Somalia Fights Charges Of Human Rights Abuses
Somali Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Samantar


Over 300,000 Somalis, Fleeing Civil War, Cross Into Ethiopia

Over 300,000 Somalis, Fleeing Civil War, Cross Into Ethiopia
Food distribution in Ethiopia’s Hartisheik camp, which hosted more than 250,000 Somali refugees in the late 1980s. © UNHCR/B.Press
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