
Wiper Democratic Movement – Kenya has declared total war on its deputy party leader, Farah Maalim, over his recent comments on the handling of anti-government protests that saw demonstrators storm and take over Parliament.

Mr. Maalim, the Daadab MP, was captured in a video clip, which has since been denied, saying that he would have taken some of the most drastic and punitive measures against the protesters, including mass killings because their actions amounted to a coup attempt.

He allegedly made the comments in his native Somali language, but on Tuesday, he dismissed the clip as “doctored.”


But his party is having none of it.

On Wednesday, the top organ of the party, led by Kalonzo Musyoka, resolved to kick out Mr Maalim, saying he had failed to uphold Wiper’s ideals.

Kenya’s Wiper Kicks Out Farah Maalim As NCIC Summons Him Over Remarks On Anti-Ruto DemosThe party’s National Executive Council (NEC) also called for the de-whipping of the MP from all leadership posts in Parliament, including the speaker’s panel.

The MP is among those who went against the party’s direction and voted “Yes” for the controversial Finance Bill 2024 that has so far been withdrawn.

“The NEC recommends expulsion from the party to the National Delegates Convention-the supreme organ of the party,” Wiper Party’s Secretary-General Shakila Abdalla said.

Mr Maalim’s fate will be felt by three other leaders whose conduct the council found wanting.

They include Doris Donya Toto, Kisii Women Rep, John Okano Bwire, Taita Taveta MP, and Nominated MP Abubakar Ahmed.

Kenya’s Wiper Kicks Out Farah Maalim As NCIC Summons Him Over Remarks On Anti-Ruto Demos
Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka addresses the press at the party’s headquarters in Karen, Nairobi, on July 10, 2024. Bonface Bogita | Nation Media Group

They were faulted for defying the party’s direction on the Finance Bill 2024. They voted “Yes” for the bill with the exception of Ms Donya, who abstained from voting.

“They have repeatedly gone against the party position. The four received invitations to attend today’s NEC meeting. They all failed to attend and have not offered their apologies. Their cases have been referred to the party’s disciplinary committee,” she said.

This came as the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) summoned the deputy National Assembly speaker over the utterances.

In a statement, the commission said the utterances were likely to incite feelings of contempt, hatred, hostility, violence, or discrimination, and affect harmonious coexistence between groups of different political affiliations in Kenya, contrary to the law.

“Hon Farah Maalim is required to appear before the Commission to assist with the aforementioned ongoing investigations,” the Commission said.

“He is to appear before the commission this Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 11 am at its offices on the 17th Floor, Britam Tower, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi. Failure to appear in person at the said place, date, and time, is an offense as provided under Section 63(c) as read with Section 63(e) of the NCI Act.

Wiper Democratic Movement Party Complete Statement


Kenya’s Wiper Kicks Out Farah Maalim As NCIC Summons Him Over Remarks On Anti-Ruto Demos
Wiper Party members during the press conference at the party’s headquarters in Karen, Nairobi, on July 10, 2024.

July 10, 2024

Good afternoon and thank you members of the media for honouring our invitation and joining us today.

The National Executive Council (NEC) met earlier today to deliberate on several concerns; namely The Gen Z Revolution, The enactment of the IEBC (Amendment) Act, 2024, and the Conduct of four Party Members.

We wish to state as follows:

  1. Kenya’s Gen Z have transformed the country’s governance forever. They have been selfless and their peaceful protests and demonstrations were in the best interests of all Kenyans. They have been pursuing a just cause.
  2. Their selfless actions led to the Ruto regime withdrawing the anti-people Finance Bill 2024. Gen Z also successfully grounded Ruto, marking his longest stay on Kenyan soil since taking office, albeit surrounded by police and army trucks.
  3. The concessions were extremely costly. Police gunfire claimed the lives of 42 young men and women as a result of a Shoot-To-Kill order. Over 300 Kenyans were rushed to hospitals with gunshot wounds, police teargas, and rungu-related wounds after they dared to exercise their constitutional rights to peacefully protest the tyrannical Ruto dictatorship.
  4. Other Kenyans have been abducted by a special police squad. We have received reports that the abductees have been tortured and injected with dangerous substances.
  5. Last year, 75 young Kenyans died in the peaceful Maadamano protests against the Finance Act, 2023. They too should not be forgotten.
  6. The sheer brutality unleashed by the Inspector General of Police Japeth Koome and his force, in an attempt to silence Gen Z was unacceptable and unforgivable.
  7. Wiper Democratic Movement demands that IG Koome and Nairobi Regional Commander Adamson Bungei resign from office and accept responsibility for the deaths, injuries, hijackings, and abductions of hundreds of young people, some of whom remain unaccounted for.
  8. Wiper Demo9ratic Movement also demands that the fallen heroes and heroines be acknowledged by name by this regime. Additionally, there should be a full and unequivocal public apology from CS, Interior and the Executive for the deaths and compensation should be made to their families.
  9. Yesterday, at the KICC, Party Leader HE Dr Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, told the president that our country was at a crossroads and requires a new perspective. Dr Musyoka also said that Ruto could not wish the Gen Z revolution away. Dr Musyoka further urged Ruto to return our Army to the barracks as well. On the latter, the president agreed as the heavy military presence was withdrawn from our streets.
  10. In terms of the Gen Z revolution, it appears that Ruto lacks an understanding of public sentiment. Generation Z does not wish to engage in dialogue. They want action, and Wiper agrees. The current situation in Kenya could have been avoided if the regime had addressed rising living costs and implemented the National Dialogue Committee findings. You don’t need dialogue. Dialogue is not required to assess public debt because the Auditor General’s Office has the same role. The attempt to usurp the Constitution by forming a Task Force on the subject is equally telling. You do not need dialogue to post medical interns or to sack corrupt government officials.
  11. The Dialogue Gen Z and Kenyans are demanding is that Parliament stands dissolved, a Snap Election be called, and that Ruto Go Home. And Wiper Democratic Movement agrees.
  12. Wiper Democratic Movement will continue to engage with our youth on all platforms available. We ask our Young Wiper Democrats to open up the social media spaces and invite the party leadership including the Party Leader to them. We want you to take the lead in shaping the conversation here and on the national platform.
  13. On IEBC, this is one of the nine bills that require to be enacted to give life to the NADCO report. As Wiper we are extremely disappointed with the dragging of feet and lack of goodwill from the KK regime. The present circumstances however afford all of us an opportunity to re-look at these pieces of legislation and ask the question: are they relevant at this time? Nonetheless, our party is committed to the full implementation of the NADCO Report.
  14. On the Conduct of Party members, first, we believe strongly in the fidelity of political parties, their mission, vision and identity. It is in the public domain that three of our members, namely, Farah Maalim – MP for Dadaab, Doris Donya Toto – Kisii Women Rep, John Okano Bwire – MP for Taveta and Abubakar Ahmed – Nominated MP, have repeatedly gone against the party position. Their latest transgression was voting Yes and Abstaining – in the case of Donya – for the now withdrawn Finance Bill, 2024.
  15. The four received invitations to attend today’s NEC meeting. They all failed to attend nor have offered their apologies. Their cases have been refereed to the Party’s Disciplinary Committee
  16. Regarding the conduct and statements attributed to Deputy Party Leader Farah Maalim, let it be known clearly that the Wiper Democratic Movement party distances and disassociates itself from these remarks. They go against our guiding principles and values as a party. NEC’s decision is that the Hon Farah Maalim be de-whipped from all Committees in Parliament including the Speaker’s Panel. NEC also recommends expulsion from the Party to the National Delegates Convention (NDC) – the supreme organ of the party.

Thank you and May God Bless Kenya.