
President Bihi’s bold push for Somaliland recognition, coupled with his diplomatic acumen and strategic vision have been pivotal in advancing Somaliland towards the long awaited international recognition and propelled this country onto the global stage

By Ismail Shirwac

What you need to know:

  • President Muse Bihi’s leadership and commitment to the cause of recognition, coupled with his diplomatic acumen and strategic vision have been pivotal in advancing Somaliland towards securing the long awaited international recognition and propelled this country onto the global stage.

For more than three decades, Somaliland has sought international recognition, a quest that has shaped its political landscape and foreign policy.

This nation in the Horn of Africa has managed to establish a stable governance, practiced democratic values, held a great many of free and fair elections and built a vibrant economy which attracted huge foreign investments, yet no single nation has officially recognized Somaliland as an independent state.


This struggle has been both a source of resilience and frustration for Somaliland leaders and citizens.

Under the leadership of H.E President Muse Bihi, elected in 2017, the search of recognition has taken a new strategic direction and vigor, and he made it his top priority to secure international recognition for the nation he fought for its freedom.

Unlike his predecessors, President Bihi never travelled for luxury or vacation and all his trips have been strictly and exclusively official, aimed at garnering support for Somaliland’s sovereignty.

This relentless efforts of the Fifth president of Somaliland seems to be starting to yield significant results, bringing Somaliland closer to its goal.

Diplomatic Breakthroughs in Africa

As many western nations, supportive of Somaliland’s recognition, pushed away this case to be led by African nations, Somaliland has made significant diplomatic progress within the continent of Africa.

In pursuit of international recognition, President Bihi travelled to Guinea Conakry in 2019, after receiving a formal invitation from the then Guinean President H.E Alpha Conde.

The two president discussed matters related to Somaliland recognition which President Alpha Conde expressed his strong willingness to recognize Somaliland and forge closer relations with this nation. In protest, Somalia declared that it severed ties with Guinea.

In the following year, 2020, President Bihi paid an official state visit to the Republic of Kenya at the invitation of H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta and for the first time in Somaliland’s history, Kenya extended a head-of-state reception to the Somaliland president, which again resulted the severance of all diplomatic relation by Somalia.

The two presidents discussed avenues for closer collaboration and strategic partnerships and agreed the opening of Kenyan diplomatic mission in Hargeisa the Capital of the Republic of Somaliland.

Kenya and Somaliland are recognized as the most free and democratic nations in East and Central Africa by the Freedom House, making this partnership particularly important.

In addition, on the eve of the 2024 new year, President Bihi embarked on a trip to Addis Ababa and signed an MoU with his Ethiopian Counterpart H.E Abiy Ahmed Ali which could perhaps be the most strategic and promising step in Somaliland’s journey of diplomatic relations.

In this MoU, Ethiopia is poised to become the first nation to recognize the Republic of Somaliland as a sovereign and independent state while Somaliland grants Ethiopia a 50-year lease for 20km stretch access to the strategic red sea for the establishment of a naval base.

Former Foreign Minister of Somalia Mr. Ahmed Isse Awed anticipates that a number of African and western nations including the UAE and the UK might follow Ethiopia in recognizing the Republic of Somaliland. It is worth noting, that the UK and the UAE both have a diplomatic presence in Hargeisa and enjoy strong relations with Somaliland.

Fortifying relations with the United States

Due to Somaliland’s strategic location in the Horn of Africa and along the Gulf of Aden, the United States has long considered Somaliland as a strategic partner in the fight against terrorism and piracy in the region.

Further more, the increased concern of the US that China’s rising influence in Djibouti could significantly affect America’s military base in Djibouti maks Somaliland’s coastal city of Berbera a potential alternative for Washigton.

Another key driving factor for the US interest in this unrecognized nation is Somaliland’s resolute stance against China and its establishment of formal relations with Taiwan which makes Somaliland as the only country in the region hosting a Taiwanese representative office on its soil.

Following president Bihi’s visit to the US on March 2023, where he engaged more than 20 high level talks with US gov’t officials and private sectors, the Somaliland’s relation with the US seemed to have reached new heights.

A series of congressional staff delegations have visited Somaliland, Members of the congress have proposed to include provisions of Security cooperation with Somaliland in the 2023 US National Defense Authorization Act.

Additionally, Some lawmakers have drafted Somaliland partnership Act, reflecting increased efforts to advance the case of Somaliland recognition with the U.S. legislative circles.

Increased support from the United Kingdom

The UK is a major global power that maintain a diplomatic presence in Somaliland and the two countries enjoy a strong relationship based on history and strategic interests.

Last year, the UK parliament held the first hearing of a bill to require the UK government to officially recognize the statehood of Somaliland. This hearing drew significant support from the UK parliamentarians.

Furthermore, the Liverpool city council declared that the council has officially recognized the sovereignty of Somaliland and pledged to write to the British Foreign Secretary, urging the government of the UK to follow suit.

These growing backing of Somaliland statehood reflect that Somaliland’s case has attracted considerable attention from the International community.

President Muse Bihi’s leadership and commitment to the cause of recognition, coupled with his diplomatic acumen and strategic vision have been pivotal in advancing Somaliland towards securing the long awaited international recognition and propelled this country onto the global stage.

Ismail Shirwac is a Somaliland Diplomat who is currently serving as the First Secretary of the Republic of Somaliland Mission in Kenya.