

I have time this morning to walk in the dusty streets of Berbera. Magnus is already gone, he must fly this afternoon. It looks like a big village: small mosques, small white houses, unpaved streets where the goats roam slowly. I stop for breakfast and have a tea with laxoox, a kind of flatbread with honey. The flies go around but do not stick in, phew!
I meet many girls in green uniforms as they go out of school. At first, they are a bit shy, and then, even if you do not speak the same language, I feel a certain curiosity. They even let themselves be photographed!
The school in Somaliland is the Koranic school, based on the teaching of the Koran and therefore Arabic.

In the early afternoon, I take the bus back to Hargeisa and stay at the hotel Oriental for my last night.

Somaliland Is Not Somalia
A small mosque, Berbera
Somaliland Is Not Somalia
Streets of Berbera
Somaliland Is Not Somalia
Houses of Berbera
Somaliland Is Not Somalia
Harbor of Berbera with a few sunk boats
Somaliland Is Not Somalia
Houses of Berbera
Somaliland Is Not Somalia
Quiet streets of Berbera


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