
The message titled “Somaliland at the Crossroads: A Vote for Survival or Extinction” emphasizes the critical situation Somaliland is facing both internally and externally.

Internally, Somaliland is challenged by terrorist groups supported by the Waddani party, which is accused of advocating for a failed past union with Somalia. The document claims the Waddani party poses a threat to Somaliland’s sovereignty.

Externally, Somaliland is reportedly threatened by a coalition led by Somalia, with the support of countries like Turkey, Egypt, Eritrea, and Qatar, which aim to undermine Somaliland’s independence.

With elections scheduled for November 13, the message urges citizens to recognize the importance of their vote, framing it as a choice between survival and extinction. It advocates for the current leadership under President Muse Bihi Abdi of the Kulmiye party, highlighting his accomplishments in infrastructure, security, and international recognition for Somaliland. The text warns against the perceived dangers of voting for Waddani, painted as a path towards submission to Somalia.

The call to action is clear: vote for Kulmiye to ensure recognition, freedom, and survival for Somaliland.

The complete message is as follows:

Somaliland at the Crossroads: A Vote for Survival or Extinction

By Dr. Caaro

Somaliland at the Crossroads A Vote for Survival or ExtinctionSomaliland stands at a defining moment in its history, with threats from both within and outside our borders. Internally, we are battling treacherous terrorist militias that seek to tear apart the foundation of our nation. These groups are emboldened by the Waddani party, a political entity that openly advocates for the disastrous 1960 unratified union—an experiment that failed our people and cost us dearly. Waddani’s true agenda is to betray Somaliland and dismantle everything we’ve fought for, in favor of submission to Somalia.

Externally, Somaliland faces a coalition of hostile forces. Somalia has not only declared its intent to destabilize us but has rallied nations like Turkey, Egypt, Eritrea, and Qatar to further their agenda of obliterating Somaliland’s sovereignty. Their goal is clear: to destroy Somaliland and erase its people from the map. The threats are real, and they are closing in.


As we approach the elections on November 13, every Somaliland citizen must understand that this is not just any other election—it is a choice between survival and extinction. Under Kulmiye, we have a proven track record of leadership that promises strength, resilience, and international recognition. Under Waddani, we are offered nothing but false promises, deceit, and the certain doom of being served on a silver platter to Somalia and its foreign backers, where Somaliland will be devoured and erased.

There is only one candidate who has truly fought for Somaliland; he is H. E. Muse Bihi Abdi. His blood, sweat, and tears have built this nation, and he continues to stand as a pillar of strength, fighting every day to protect our sovereignty. No other presidential candidate can claim that. Muse Bihi has led us to achievements no previous president has ever delivered. Under his leadership, Somaliland has made significant strides towards global re-recognition, from securing strategic alliances to enhancing the security and stability of our region.

The achievements of Kulmiye under Muse Bihi are undeniable. We have seen unprecedented developments in infrastructure, security, and diplomacy. We are closer than ever to achieving the re-recognition our nation deserves, standing tall on the global stage. No other leader has brought us this far, and no other party can continue the work of building a stronger, recognized, and independent Somaliland.

On November 13, the choice is yours, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Vote for recognition, not reconciliation.

Vote for freedom, not oppression.

Vote for survival, not extinction.

Vote for Kulmiye.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of SaxafiMedia.