
The day after Egypt sent weapons to Somalia, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement accusing the Somali government of collaborating with foreign forces to destabilize the region.

Ethiopia has accused the Somali government of collaborating with foreign forces to destabilize the region.

In a statement on its social media, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the situation in Somalia as serious. This statement followed reports that Egypt had sent arms to Somalia for the first time in four decades. The deterioration of Ethiopia’s relationship with Somalia coincided with a memorandum of understanding signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland, prompting Egypt, which is in conflict with Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam, to support Somalia.


Earlier this month, Egypt signed a security agreement with Mogadishu and expressed its willingness to contribute troops to a new peacekeeping mission in Somalia. While the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry did not name Egypt, it warned that deploying a new peacekeeping mission in Mogadishu before completing the transition of the African Union Peacekeeping Mission (ATMIS) poses a danger to the region.

Ethiopia and other countries that contributed troops to ATMIS have repeatedly voiced their concerns, feeling overlooked. The statement emphasized Ethiopia’s restraint in responding to provocations and its ongoing efforts to minimize the sacrifices of its soldiers. It declared, “Ethiopia will not silently watch as others act to destroy the region,” asserting that it will not tolerate actions that jeopardize the fight against regional and international terrorism.

Ethiopia attempted to resolve disputes with the Somali government through dialogue and noted some promising developments in talks. However, it accused the Somali government of aligning with destabilizing forces rather than pursuing peace. The Ministry’s statement urged all countries considering participation in the new Somalia peacekeeping mission to heed the concerns of regional nations that have contributed to ATMIS.

Ethiopia is closely monitoring significant regional events that could threaten its national security but refrained from naming the forces “increasing tension for their own benefit.” The Ethiopian government has expressed its readiness to resolve differences with Somalia and called on the international community to address threats to peace and security in the Horn of Africa.

The full statement reads as follows:

Ethiopia is concerned that the transition from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to a new peace support mission is fraught with dangers to the region. While the African Union and the United Nations are preparing for this transition, the region is entering into uncharted waters.

Repeated calls by Ethiopia and other Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) have not been taken seriously. Ethiopia is being expected to ignore hostile statements, and the continued attempt to undermine the sacrifices of Ethiopian defense forces. Ethiopia cannot stand idle while other actors are taking measures to destabilize the region. Ethiopia is vigilantly monitoring developments in the region that could threaten its national security.

Ethiopia has worked tirelessly for the peace and security of Somalia and the region, for shared growth, and has nurtured the close bonds between the peoples of the region. Ethiopia has also been engaged in facilitated discussions to resolve differences with the government of Somalia. Tangible progress has been made in these talks. Instead of pursuing these efforts for peace, the government of Somalia is colluding with external actors aiming to destabilize the region.

All those responsible for preparing and authorizing a new peace support mission must take into account the legitimate concerns of countries of the region and the TCCs. Forces trying to inflame tension for their short-term and futile objectives must shoulder the grave ramifications. Ethiopia cannot tolerate these actions that endanger the gains made against regional and international terrorist groups.

Ethiopia remains committed to the peaceful resolution of differences and to working with the people of Somalia and the international community to avert dangers to the peace and stability of the region.

Ethiopia Accuses Somalia Of Collaborating With Foreign Forces To Destabilize The Region