
The recent decision by the United Nations General Assembly to elect the failed state of Somalia, a country plagued by instability and fragility, to the UN Security Council has sparked outrage and bewilderment across the globe.

Many are left questioning the rationale behind this controversial move and what it means for global peace and security.

The election of Somalia to the UN Security Council raises significant concerns about the credibility and effectiveness of the international organization. Somalia, often described as a failed state, is a country marred by internal conflict, terrorism, and rampant corruption. The fact that it now holds a seat on one of the most important bodies within the UN is deeply troubling.


The Failed State of Somalia on the UNSC A World Turned Upside DownSomalia’s presence on the Security Council is paradoxical, considering the country’s own struggles with security and governance. With a significant portion of its territory controlled by militant groups like Al-Shabaab, Somalia relies heavily on international peacekeeping forces for stability. The irony of a country dependent on foreign troops for its security now playing a role in global security decisions is not lost on observers.

One cannot help but wonder what contribution a failed state like Somalia can make to international peace and security. With its own internal challenges far from resolved, Somalia’s ability to effectively engage in the Security Council’s deliberations is called into question. Critics argue that Somalia’s seat at the table may serve more as a symbol of the UN’s shortcomings rather than a meaningful addition to discussions on global security.

Concerned voices point out the need for accountability when it comes to rewarding states with a history of instability and conflict. Instead of granting a seat on the Security Council, some suggest that the focus should be on holding Somalia accountable for its international obligations and addressing the root causes of its ongoing crisis.

The Failed State of Somalia on the UNSC A World Turned Upside Down
The Failed State of Somalia’s FM Ahmed Moallim Fiqi met with U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday at the UN HQ in New York

The decision to elect Somalia to the UN Security Council serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing the international community in addressing conflict and instability. It highlights the urgent need for reform within the UN system and a reevaluation of the criteria for membership on key bodies like the Security Council.

In a world where stability and peace are increasingly under threat, the election of Somalia to the UN Security Council shines a spotlight on the complexities and contradictions of international diplomacy. As the global community grapples with the implications of this decision, one thing remains clear: the need for a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to addressing the challenges of fragile states on the world stage.