
The Port of Berbera, revitalized by DP World, is emerging as a key trade link between Africa and Europe, boosting regional commerce and connectivity, and promising economic growth and enhanced Africa-Europe relations.

By Thomas Sander

Dear reader,

The Port of Berbera in the Republic of Somaliland is emerging as a key link between Africa and Europe, playing an important role in improving supply chain efficiency and promoting international connectivity. Due to its strategic location and ongoing development efforts, the port has the potential to change the economic landscape of the region and become a major gateway for trade and commerce.


The Port of Berbera has a long history dating back to ancient times when it served as an important trading hub on the Red Sea coast. Today, it is experiencing a resurgence in importance due to several key factors. Firstly, the city’s geographical location makes it an ideal transshipment point for goods traveling between Africa, Europe, and beyond. Situated at the crossroads of major shipping routes, the port offers a convenient stopover for ships, reducing transit times and costs for businesses.

Recent expansion and modernization measures at the Port of Berbera have also significantly increased its capacity and efficiency. UAE-based DP World has been instrumental in the port’s transformation, investing in infrastructure, equipment, and technology. This has not only increased the port’s handling capacity but also improved the overall reliability and speed of operations. As a result, the port of Berbera has become an attractive option for shipping companies and international traders.

One of the key benefits of the Port of Berbera is its ability to facilitate seamless supply chain operations. Efficient supply chains are critical for companies to remain competitive in today’s global marketplace. The port’s strategic location and modern infrastructure enable shorter transit times, lower transport costs, and better inventory management. This, in turn, enables companies to respond more quickly to market demand and optimize their operations.

The Port Of Berbera Is Emerging As An Important Link Between Africa, Europe And Beyond
Port of Berbera, in Somaliland

The growing importance of the port of Berbera is not limited to its immediate surroundings. It serves as a gateway to landlocked countries in the Horn of Africa, such as Ethiopia and South Sudan, giving them access to international markets. With its well-developed road and rail network, the port offers these countries a convenient and cost-effective way to export their goods and import essential commodities. This connectivity has the potential to stimulate economic growth and development in the region, create new opportunities for businesses, and improve the living conditions of the local population.

The development of the Port of Berbera into a major link between Africa and Europe has a significant economic impact. Firstly, it can attract foreign direct investment as companies recognize the port’s potential to facilitate trade and expand their market presence. This investment can lead to job creation, infrastructure development, and overall economic growth in the region.

Secondly, the improved connectivity and efficiency offered by the port can promote regional integration. By facilitating the movement of goods, people, and capital, the Port of Berbera can promote closer economic ties between African countries and their European partners. This integration can lead to an increase in trade volumes, diversification of exports, and the development of regional value chains, which in turn increases economic activity and competitiveness.

The port of Berbera also has the potential to reduce dependence on traditional trade routes and diversify transport options. This can increase the resilience of supply chains and make them less vulnerable to disruption and geopolitical tensions. By providing an alternative route for goods, the port can contribute to the stability and sustainability of global trade.

The development of the Port of Berbera into a key link between Africa and Europe is a testament to the region’s growing economic potential. With its strategic location, advanced infrastructure, and ongoing development efforts, the port is poised to become a major gateway for trade and connectivity. The economic impact of this transformation is significant and has the potential to attract investment, promote regional integration, and improve supply chain efficiency. As it continues to develop, the Port of Berbera will play an increasingly important role in shaping Africa’s economic future and strengthening its links with the rest of the world.

Yours sincerely

Thomas SanderThomas Hellmuth-Sander

Author and blogger of sustainable logistics. Involved in projects in Ghana. Want to turn logistical visions into reality.