
On the eve of the 64th anniversary of Somaliland’s independence, the Somaliland Strategic Advisory Group (SL-SAG) is celebrating this historic milestone and is calling for the re-recognition of Somaliland by the international community.

This post delves into the historical significance of this event, the importance of re-recognition, and the anticipation of the Ethiopia/Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Historical Significance

June 26th holds monumental significance in the history of Somaliland as it marks the day when the nation gained independence from British rule in 1960. This day serves as a powerful symbol of the resilience, determination, and achievements of the people of Somaliland. As the nation honors its past, it also renews its commitment to a future where Somaliland is re-recognized as a sovereign state by the international community.

Call for Re-recognition

SL-SAG raises its voice to urge the international community to acknowledge the undeniable progress Somaliland has made in democratic governance, economic stability, and human rights. The time for re-recognition is now. Somaliland has demonstrated its capacity for self-governance and has established a stable, democratic, and prosperous society. Recognizing Somaliland’s sovereignty will not only honor its accomplishments but also contribute to greater regional stability and cooperation.


Anticipation of Ethiopia/Somaliland MoU

The imminent finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland is eagerly anticipated. This agreement is expected to bring several benefits:

  • Enhance Diplomatic Relations: Strengthen ties with Ethiopia, fostering greater diplomatic and economic cooperation.
  • Promote Economic Growth: Create new opportunities for trade and investment, benefiting both nations and enhancing regional prosperity.
  • Improve Security: Encourage collaboration in security and defense, contributing to peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

One Somalia Does Not Work

SL-SAG reaffirms that the concept of “One Somalia” does not reflect the realities on the ground. Somaliland’s distinct culture and history, political stability, and democratic achievements set it apart. The international community must recognize that a unified Somalia is not feasible and that Somaliland’s sovereignty is a legitimate and necessary acknowledgment of its unique status.

SL-SAG Message

“We celebrate our independence with pride and a clear vision for the future. The international community must recognize the progress and stability that Somaliland has achieved. The finalization of the Ethiopia/Somaliland MoU is a significant step forward, but true progress requires acknowledging our sovereignty. ‘One Somalia’ is an outdated concept that does not work in the current context,” stated a representative of SL-SAG.


As the 64th anniversary of Somaliland’s independence approaches, SL-SAG remains steadfast in its pursuit of international re-recognition for Somaliland. The anticipated MoU with Ethiopia marks a new chapter in the nation’s history, filled with promise and hope for a brighter future. It is time for the world to recognize Somaliland for the sovereign nation it truly is.

Somaliland Strategic Advisory Group (SL-SAG)Somaliland Strategic Group is an advocacy nonprofit organization based in the United States of America founded and funded by native Somalilander-American professionals who advocate for Somaliland’s recognition and development.


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