
3.6. What Other States Should Do?

Based on the above facts concerning Somaliland, other countries should recognize Somaliland as an independent state. As it is mentioned above, as long as the issue of recognition is a matter of states discretionary power and out of the scope of law, states recognition or non-recognition of Somaliland has no legal effect against them. If they want, they can recognize Somaliland as an independent state and contribute their part to the settlement of peace and security in the Horn of Africa. The recognition of Somaliland by other states will have its own significance to abort the illusionary plan of “Great Somalia” and to bring sustainable peace and security in the neighboring Djibouti, mayors and local government officials. There are officials present from all over the continent, including Ethiopia, Kenya and Ethiopia as they are also victims of such illusionary plan.

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Though Somaliland formally applied to join the African Union in 2005, its application is still pending and did not get response. The African Union should give a pragmatic decision for the membership of Somaliland as its decision is important to bring a long-lasting peace in Somaliland and the Horn of Africa.


4. Concluding Remarks

Somaliland has declared its independence twenty-five years ago. Though it has declared its independence, there is no clear recognition of this by any member states of the United Nation. The question of whether Somaliland should be recognized as an independent state is slowed down only by the blind observance of the international community to the nation-state system’s inviolability of borders. The state of Somaliland has fulfilled the requirement of both self-determination and the right to be recognized as an independent state. Somaliland has fulfilled the standards and requirements of the Montevideo Convention. What is left is only the discretionary power of the international community to approve its legal personality and admitting it as a member of the United Nation. What Somaliland lacks is formal recognition of its statehood by other states, a simple act which would enable it to take its place on the world stage and provide a credible example for other states faced with internal conflict and disorder. The writer of this article boldly argues that the international community should fulfill its moral obligation of bringing sustainable peace and security in the Horn of Africa by blessing the independence of Somaliland.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

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