
The article below highlights the strategic importance of recognizing Somaliland for Israel’s security. It offers a compelling analysis of regional geopolitics, noting that Israel is actively pursuing strategic partnerships to bolster its security against various threats. Somaliland, an independent state in the Horn of Africa, has emerged as a potential ally.

By Michael Arizanti

In recent years, the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and the Horn of Africa has been marked by increasing tensions, particularly from Iran and its proxies, such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen. As a result, Israel has been actively seeking strategic partnerships to enhance its national security and counter these threats.

One potential ally that has been gaining attention is Somaliland, a de facto independent state in the Horn of Africa. Israel would gain from recognizing Somaliland, including enhancing its national security, countering regional threats, creating new economic opportunities, improving diplomatic relations, and supporting democratic governance in the region.


Enhancing Israel’s National Security:

Recognizing Somaliland would provide Israel with a strategic ally in the Horn of Africa, enhancing its national security and geopolitical position in the region. Somaliland’s strategic location on the Gulf of Aden, a critical maritime route, would allow Israel to establish a presence in a region where it has traditionally had limited influence. This would enable Israel to better navigate the complex geopolitical landscape and strengthen its security and economic interests.

The strategic partnership between Israel and Somaliland would also be crucial in countering regional threats, particularly from Iran and the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Somaliland’s proximity to Yemen makes it an ideal location for intelligence gathering and joint military operations aimed at countering these threats. By recognizing Somaliland, Israel would gain a valuable partner in the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons in the region. This partnership would also allow for the sharing of intelligence and joint military exercises, enhancing the national security of both countries.

Recognizing Somaliland would also open up new economic opportunities for Israel. Somaliland has a growing economy and is attracting investment from various countries, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, energy, and infrastructure. By establishing diplomatic relations with Somaliland, Israel could benefit from these economic opportunities and contribute to the region’s development. This could include trade agreements, joint ventures, and other forms of economic cooperation that would benefit both countries.

The Strategic Importance of Recognizing Somaliland for Israel’s SecurityIsrael has a history of recognizing Somaliland, having done so in 1960. Re-establishing diplomatic relations with Somaliland would be a gesture of goodwill and could help Israel in its efforts to normalize relations with other countries in the region. This could include diplomatic support, joint initiatives, and other forms of cooperation aimed at strengthening regional stability and security. By recognizing Somaliland, Israel would also demonstrate its commitment to supporting democratic governance and stability in the region.

Somaliland is often praised for its democratic governance and stability, which is in stark contrast to many other countries in the region. By recognizing Somaliland, Israel would be supporting and encouraging democratic governance in the region. This could include providing technical assistance, sharing best practices, and other forms of support aimed at strengthening Somaliland’s democratic institutions and processes. By doing so, Israel would be contributing to the promotion of stability and democracy in the region, which is in the interest of both countries.

There are numerous strategic advantages that Israel could gain from recognizing Somaliland as an independent state. These include enhancing its national security, countering regional threats, creating new economic opportunities, improving diplomatic relations, and supporting democratic governance in the region. As such, it is worth considering the potential benefits of Israel recognizing Somaliland and exploring ways to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. By doing so, Israel would not only enhance its security and economic interests but also contribute to the stability and development of the region.

About The Author

Michael Arizanti

Passionate about Kurdish affairs and human rights

Michael ArizantiAs a seasoned writer and expert on Middle East Affairs, Michael Arizanti has dedicated his career to shedding light on the complex political and social issues that shape in the Middle East. With a particular focus on Kurdish Affairs and human rights, Michael Arizanti has become a leading voice in the field, offering insightful analysis and commentary on the most pressing topics of the day.

Throughout his career, Michael Arizanti has demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting justice and equality for all, advocating tirelessly for the rights of marginalized communities and challenging the status quo. His work has been published in a wide range of prestigious outlets, and he has been recognized for his contributions to the field with numerous accolades.

Whether writing about the latest developments in the Middle East or speaking out against human rights abuses, Michael Arizanti is a passionate and dedicated advocate for positive change. With a unique perspective and wealth of experience, he continues to be a driving force in shaping the conversation around some of the most important issues of our time. He can be reached on X at @MArizanti