
The main opposition party in Somaliland supports the recent sea access deal with Addis Ababa. They aim to develop a friendly foreign policy toward Ethiopia. The party, known as the Waddani National Party, values the ties between the neighboring peoples and is preparing for the upcoming election with a focus on enhancing cooperation with Ethiopia. They believe in fostering trust and cooperation between the two nations and are optimistic about future partnerships. If elected, they plan to strengthen economic, security, and interpersonal relations with Ethiopia, emphasizing mutual benefits and collaboration in areas like fishing and port access.

Waddani Party Shadow Minister of Information Mahmoud Adam Jama speaks to The Ethiopian Herald

The second largest and leading opposition party in Somaliland welcomed the recently inked Addis Ababa-Hargeisa sea access deal while calling for more work for its effectuation.

Waddani National Party which reportedly stood second in the last poll with approximately 42% of the votes also cherished the all-round ties between the neighboring peoples.

Main Somaliland Opposition Party Backs Sea Deal
Mahmoud Adam Jama, Waddani Party Shadow Minister of Information

The national party which is bracing for the upcoming election, also pledges to come up with a policy that heightens the bilateral cooperation between Addis and Hargeisa.

“Our party’s position is that we welcome any agreement that elevates cooperation and cultivates trust between the two brotherly peoples,” said Party Shadow Minister of Information Mahmoud Adam Jama speaking to The Ethiopian Herald.

“Our party is confident that Ethiopia is genuine in its relationship with Somaliland,” the spokesperson added.

The party is also optimistic that the partnership between Ethiopia and Somaliland will witness elevation under its leadership should the party win a national poll.

Adam said his party encourages the Ethiopian government to access Somaliland’s sea and build infrastructure. Peaceful border and security are in the best interest of both sides.

Somaliland has the right to reach an agreement with any country. What matters is to make sure any agreement is beneficial to all the parties. That is what Somaliland did and continues to do, the spokesperson added.

Somaliland And Ethiopia Set To Finalize A Groundbreaking Agreement In Approximately 2 MonthsBetter known as Waddani, the party also seeks elevated ties with Ethiopia with or without power. “We welcome any agreement which enhances the two countries standing and mutual benefits,”

If the Waddani party gets elected in the next election, it plans to give a fresh boost to relations between the two neighbors in terms of economic engagement, security cooperation and people-to-people relations. Ethiopia has been by our side during Somalilanders’ turbulent years.

“The two sides have much room for cooperation with complementary interests. Somaliland can export fish while Ethiopia can utilize the sea access. Berbera can be a good area of collaboration. We hope the country will get a preferential rate in the port.”