
Hargeysa, Somaliland, July 24, 2018 (Saxafi) – Safiirka Somaliland ee dalka Imaaraatka carabta Amb Baashe Cawil ayaa ka hadlay heerka uu marayo xidhiidhka u dhaxeeya Somaliland Iyo UAE.

Amb Baashe Cawil ayaa war saxaafadeed uu soo saaray ku faah faahiyey xidhiidhka u dhaxeeya labada dal, waxaanu warsaxaafadeedkaasi u dhignaa sidan:-“Iyada oo ay jiraan caqabado badan oo ku xeeran Somaliland oo ay ka mid tahay Ictiraaf la’aantu, Somaliland taasi kamay hor istaagin in aynu dunida wax la qaybsano, la danneeyo Adduun la gashado, oo la aamino, taasi waxaa fure la mahadiyay u ahaa edhisida xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya labadan dal ee Somaliland Iyo dalka Isu-tagga Imaaraatka Carabta.


Maanta waa maalin kale oo innagu qaali ah oo aynu xadhiga ka jarnay xafiiskii ugu horreeyay ee Somaliland yeelato ee laga furo dalka dibediisa ee loo aqoonsado xafiis dawladeed oo ka shaqeyn doona arrimaha horumarinta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha, siyaasada, amniga iyo samo-falka. Si gaar ah waa xafiis fudaydin doona soo badhigista fursaha tirada badan ee ganacsi iyo maalgashi ee Somaliland ka bannaan.

Derajada sare iyo aqoonsiga uu helay xafiiskan “Somaliland Trade Office” waxay xoojin u noqon doonto iskaashigii iyo isku tiirsanaantii ka dhaxaysay labada dal.

Ugu dambayntii waxaan u mahadnaqayaa dhammaan martidii na gala soo qayb gashay xadhig ka jarista xafiiskan oo ugu horreeyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka JSL Mudane Abdirahman Cabdilahi Ismaaciil ‘Saylici’ wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda JSL Dr. Sacad Ali Shire, Wasiirka Macdanta Iyo Tamarta JSL Jaamac Maxamuud Cigaal, Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka Ah Ee Ucid Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe, Hoggaamiyaha Khaamuto Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeydh, madaxda ka socotay dalka Imaaraatka carabta, Rugta Ganacsiga Dubai, iyo Shirkadaha DP World, Fly Dubai Air Arabia.”

The Somaliland Trade Office, United Arab Emirates

The Somaliland Trade Office is located in Central Dubai at Address

The Trade Office can be contacted on Telephone number here, or E-mail:

The role of the Somaliland Trade Office is to protect the interests of Somaliland and Somaliland nationals, within the limits permitted by international law; negotiating with the United Arab Emirates Government as directed by the Government of Somaliland; ascertaining by lawful means conditions and developments in the United Arab Emirates, and reporting thereon to the Government of Somaliland; promoting friendly relations between Somaliland and the United Arab Emirates, and developing economic, cultural and scientific relations between Somaliland, on one hand, and the United Arab Emirates, on the other.

One of the core responsibilities of the Somaliland Trade Office is to deliver the best possible counsel to Somaliland citizens, who find themselves in an emergency situation in the United Arab Emirates or are in need of the Somaliland Trade Office’s assistance for other reasons. Somaliland citizens in distress are always welcome to contact the Somaliland Trade Office.

The staff of the Somaliland Trade Office is headed by Mr. Bashe Awil Haji Omar. Mr. Omar is the Lead Representative of Somaliland in the United Arab Emirates. He is appointed by H.E. President Ahmed M. Mohamoud Sillanyo. He can be contacted on

Somaliland Trade Office Dubai

Address Plot 34 Building # 1

Metropolis Building Floor

number 5 Office number 508

Burj Khalifa Street Business

Bay Dubai UAE