
Somalia became a dumping site for outdated Egyptian military weapons and ammunition. According to credible sources within the Somali Military Intelligence Service, the weapons and ammunition received by the Somali government from the Egyptian regime are outdated and unable to function.

Recently, Somalia received military equipment from Egypt, but instead of modern tools of war, the country was given relics from the past. The Soviet-era D-44 85mm anti-tank gun, designed during World War II, is among the gear sent by Egypt. Rather than providing valuable aid, Egypt’s outdated weapons have turned Somalia into a dumping site for obsolete military stockpiles.

The Soviet D-44: Stuck in Time

First introduced in the 1940s, the D-44 was once cutting-edge, capable of penetrating 110mm of armor from 1,000 meters away. But those days are long gone. With advancements in modern warfare, this weapon is now little more than a relic.


Today’s military tactics have evolved, leaving weapons like the D-44 hopelessly outclassed. Modern tanks such as the M1 Abrams and T-90 are equipped with advanced protection systems that the D-44 can’t penetrate. Its once-impressive range of 15.8 kilometers now falls embarrassingly short compared to contemporary artillery.

Somalia, A Dumping Site For Egypt's Outdated Military GearOutdated vs. Modern: The D-44’s Limitations

When compared to modern artillery like the M777 Howitzer, the D-44 simply doesn’t stand a chance. The M777, with a 155mm caliber, can strike targets over twice the distance of the D-44. Additionally, the M777 can fire GPS-guided rounds with pinpoint accuracy—capabilities the D-44 lacks entirely. Built for brute force, the D-44 is now outdated in a battlefield where precision and technology dominate.

The Risks of Relying on Relics

Sending obsolete weapons like the D-44 gives a false impression of boosting military strength. What was once a symbol of military might is now simply a piece of history, with over 75 years of age highlighting just how out of place these weapons are in modern warfare.

Somalia, A Dumping Site For Egypt's Outdated Military GearEgypt’s Aid: A Liability, Not an Asset

The D-44 belongs to a bygone era, created for wars that are now history. Since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, no new ammunition has been made for these guns, making it nearly impossible to find working shells. Egypt’s decision to send these outdated weapons isn’t really helpful—it’s more of a burden.

In conclusion, while the D-44 might have been useful in the 1940s, it has no place on today’s battlefield. Egypt’s military aid has become more of a burden, turning Somalia into a repository for ineffective, outdated equipment. With advancements in modern artillery, the D-44 is clearly obsolete, and Egypt seems intent on offloading relics that should have been retired years ago.