
The visit of the US delegation led by Ambassador Richard H. Riley to Somaliland signifies a crucial step in strengthening bilateral ties between the two nations.

In a significant diplomatic move, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, welcomed a distinguished US delegation led by Ambassador Richard H. Riley. Their discussions encompassed a range of crucial topics, including the upcoming elections, strengthening bilateral ties between Somaliland and the United States, regional security dynamics, and the historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed earlier this year with Ethiopia.

A Look at the Meeting

Strengthening Bilateral Ties, US Delegation Visit to SomalilandThe meeting commenced with President Muse Bihi providing a comprehensive briefing to Ambassador Riley on the forthcoming Somaliland elections.


Emphasizing the collective efforts to ensure a free and fair election, the President highlighted the country’s commitment to democratic processes. He reiterated the consensus among the people and political parties of Somaliland towards conducting a successful electoral process.

Strengthening Bilateral Ties, US Delegation Visit to SomalilandRegional Security and Cooperation

President Bihi further briefed Ambassador Riley on the security landscape in the Horn of Africa region. Discussions regarding the MoU between Somaliland and Ethiopia underscored the shared benefits for both nations, particularly in enhancing economic cooperation and security measures.

The President expressed confidence in Somaliland’s ability to manage internal disagreements peacefully, ensuring the region’s stability and progress.

Addressing Concerns and Building Relations

Responding to concerns about the implications of the MoU on the security situation, President Bihi emphasized that it would strengthen security cooperation rather than embolden extremist groups. He reaffirmed Somaliland’s commitment to peace and sovereignty within the framework of international conventions.

Ambassador Riley echoed the US government’s readiness to facilitate partnerships between Somaliland and the United States, acknowledging the strides made by Somaliland in various sectors.

Strengthening Bilateral Ties, US Delegation Visit to SomalilandDiverse Engagements

During the visit, Ambassador Riley engaged with senior political leaders, civil society representatives, and business community members. Notable interactions included discussions with the Waddani Party’s Presidential candidate, Abdirahman Irro, emphasizing the importance of timely elections and regional stability.

Civil society organizations highlighted key initiatives such as youth empowerment, political participation, peacebuilding efforts, and the MoU with Ethiopia.

Ambassador Riley also met with private sector leaders to explore avenues for enhanced collaboration with the US business community, fostering economic ties.

Ambassador Riley, who assumed office as the US Ambassador to Somalia on May 8, 2024, visited Somaliland for the first time during his tenure.

Strengthening Bilateral Ties, US Delegation Visit to SomalilandComments and reactions

Somalilanders strongly criticized the visit of the US Ambassador to Somalia, viewing it as an insult to Somaliland. They urge President Muse Bihi to assert Somaliland’s sovereignty by informing Mogadishu-based ambassadors and the UN that Somaliland is an independent nation called The Republic of Somaliland. Given alleged plots to destabilize Somaliland, they call on the government to cut ties with any entities supporting its adversaries. The US government’s sticking to its “one-Somalia” policy, its refusal to recognize Somaliland’s independence after 33 years, and its visit to Hargeisa are seen as further affronts.

In conclusion, the visit of the US delegation underlines the growing partnership between Somaliland and the United States, marked by shared interests in promoting peace, stability, and economic development in the region. Such diplomatic engagements pave the way for deeper cooperation and mutual understanding between nations.