

  1. David Arnold, ed., Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988); Sheldon Watts, Epidemics and History: Disease, Power and Imperialism(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998); Gerald W. Hartwig and David K. Patterson, eds., Disease in African History: An Introductory Survey and Case Studies (Durham: Duke University Press, 1978); J. N. P. Davies, Pestilence and Disease in the History of Africa (Johannesburg, 1979); K. David Patterson and Gerald F. Pyle, “The Diffusion of Influenza in Sub-Saharan Africa During the 1918-1919 Pandemic,” Social Science and Medicine, 17, no.17 (1983): 1299-1307; K. David Patterson, “The Influenza Pandemic 1918-1919 in the Gold Coast,” Journal of African History, 24 (1983): 485-502; K. David Patterson, “Health in Urban Ghana: The Case of Accra, 1900-1940,” Social Science and Medicine, 13B (1979): 251-68; Marc H. Dawson, “Smallpox in Kenya, 1880-1920,” Social Science and Medicine, 13B (1979): 245-50; Randall M. Packard, “Maize, Cattle and Mosquitoes: The Political Economy of Malaria Epidemics in Colonial Swaziland,” Journal of African History, 125 (1984): 180-212; Daniel R. Headrick, The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); Daniel R. Headrick, ed., Colonialism, Health and Illness in French Equatorial Africa, 1885-1935 (Atlanta: African Studies Association Press, 1994); Megan Vaughan, Curing Their Ills: Colonial Power and African Illness (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991); Terence Ranger, “Plagues of Beasts and Men: Responses to Epidemic in Eastern and Southern Africa,” in Epidemics and Ideas Terence Ranger and Paul Slack, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992); Mariynez Lyons, The Colonial Disease: A Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire, 1900-1940 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992); J. M. Janzen and Steve Feierman, “The Social History of Disease and Medicine in Africa,” Social Science and Medicine, 13b (1979); John Ford, The Role of Trypanosomiasis in Africa (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971); Roy Macleod and Milton Lewis, eds., Disease, Medicine, and Empire (London: Routledge, 1988); Alfred Crosby, Ecological Imperialism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
  2. Jama Mohamed, “Epidemics and Public Health in Early Colonial Somaliland,” Social Science and Medicine,48 (1999): 507-21.
  3. Ibid.
  4. PRO/WO 32/10862, Annual Report on the Administration of British Somaliland for the Year Ending 31 December 1943.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid.
  8. PRO/WO 32/10862, Annual Report on the Administration of British Somaliland for the Year Ending 31 December 1943.
  9. Mark Dawson, “Smallpox in Kenya, 1880-1920,” Social Science and Medicine,13b (1979): 1009.
  10. Ibid.
  11. Ibid.
  12. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1954 and 1955(London: HMSO, 1957), 19.
  13. PRO/CO 830/7, Medical Department Annual Report, 1954.
  14. Ibid.
  15. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959(London: HMSO, 1960), 27-28.
  16. PRO/CO 830/10, Medical Department Annual Report, 1959.
  17. Ibid.
  18. Roy Porter, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity(New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997), 15.
  19. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959.
  20. Jama Mohamed, “Epidemics and Public Health in Early Colonial Somaliland.”
  21. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1946.
  22. Medical Department Annual Report, 1959.
  23. D. Bagster Wilson, “Malaria in British Somaliland,” The East African Medical Journal,26, no.10 (1949): 288.
  24. Ibid.
  25. Ibid., 289.
  26. Ibid.
  27. Ibid., 290.
  28. Ibid., 291.
  29. J. P. Glasgow and D. G. MacInnes, “Anopheles of British Somaliland,” The East African Medical Journal,20 (1943): 179.
  30. Frederick Dunn, “Malaria,”in Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Kenneth P. Pyle, 857.
  31. R. A. Packard, “Maize, Cattle and Mosquitoes: The Political Economy of Malaria Epidemics in Colonial Swaziland,” 194.
  32. Frederick Dunn, “Malaria,” 859.
  33. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1948(London: HMSO, 1949), 29.
  34. D. Bagster Wilson, “Malaria in British Somaliland,” 289.
  35. PRO/CO 830/6, Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  36. Ibid.
  37. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1950 and 1951(London: HMSO, 1952), 17.
  38. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  39. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  40. Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories, 1951: The East African Territories and the Somaliland Protectorate(London: HMSO, 1954), vol.2, p.123.
  41. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  42. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  43. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1950 and 1951,
  44. Medical Department Annual Report, 1954.
  45. Medical Department Annual Report, 1954.
  46. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959, 28.
  47. J. P. Glasgow and D. G. MacInnes, “Anopheles of British Somaliland,” 179.
  48. PRO/CO 830/6, Medical Department Annual Report, 1956.
  49. PRO/CO 830/9, Medical Department Annual Report, 1957.
  50. Ibid.
  51. Ibid.
  52. The United States. Washington. Library of Congress. Somaliland Protectorate Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  53. R. M. Prothero, Migrants and Malaria(London: Longman, Green and Co., 1965).
  54. K. David Patterson, “Meningitis,” in Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Kenneth F. Kiple, 876.
  55. John Hunt, General Survey of the Somaliland Protectorate, 1944-1950(London: Crown Agent for the Crown, 1951), 120.
  56. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1948,
  57. Robert J. Kim-Farley, “Measles,” in Cambridge History of Human Disease, Kenneth P. Kiple, 872.
  58. Medical Department Annual Report, 1954.
  59. Ibid.
  60. Ibid.
  61. Ibid.
  62. PRO/CO 830/8, Medical Department Annual Report, 1955.
  63. Ibid.
  64. Ibid.
  65. Medical Department Annual Report, 1956.
  66. Ibid.
  67. Ibid.
  68. Medical Department Annual Report, 1959.
  69. Ibid.
  70. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  71. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  72. Ibid.
  73. Ibid.
  74. Ibid.
  75. Ibid.
  76. Jacalyn Duffin, “Pneumonia” in The Cambridge World History of Human Disease, ed. Kenneth P. Kiple (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 939.
  77. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  78. Ibid.
  79. Alfred W. Crosby, “Influenza,” in Cambridge History of Human Disease, Kenneth F. Kiple, 808.
  80. Ibid.
  81. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  82. PRO/CO 830/8, Medical Department Annual Report, 1956.
  83. Ibid.
  84. Ibid.
  85. Ibid.
  86. Ibid.
  87. Ibid.
  88. Ibid.
  89. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1956 and 1957(London: HMSO, 1959), 25.
  90. PRO/CO 830/9, Medical Department Annual Report, 1957.
  91. Ibid.
  92. Ibid.
  93. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  94. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959,
  95. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  96. Medical Department Annual Report, 1959; Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959,
  97. D. M. Bohra, “Patterns of Urban Settlements in Somalia,” Geojournal,3, no.1 (1979): 63-68; Herbert S. Lewis, Carol Kevern, and Nancy Southerland, Urbanization and Outmigration in Somalia: Final Report(Worcester: Clark University International Development Program, 1983).
  98. Edward A. Alpers, “Muqdisho in the Nineteenth Century: A Regional Perspective,” Journal of African History,24, no.4 (1983); H. Neville Chittick, “An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Southern Somali Coast,” Azania,4 (1969): 115-30; H. Neville Chittick, “Medieval Mogadishu,” Paideuma, 28 (1982): 45-62; A. T. Curle, “The Ruined Towns of Somaliland,” Anitquity, 11, no.4 (1937): 315-27.
  99. Anthony D. King, Urbanism, Colonialism, and the World-Economy(London: Routledge, 1990), 33.
  100. Jama Mohamed, “Epidemics and Public Health,” 508; Margery Perham, Major Dane’s Garden(New York: Africana Publishers, 1922).
  101. Oxford University, Rhodes House Library, 751.14.S.2/1945 (1), Major G. E. Curtis and Captain E. H. Lang, “Report of Committee Enquiring into pauperism in British Somaliland.”
  102. W. C. D. Lovett, “Eradication of Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever in the Somaliland Protectorate By a Tick Destruction Programme,” Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,50, no.2 (March 1956): 163.
  103. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1946.
  104. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Colonial Office Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959(London: HMSO, 1960), 11.
  105. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth(New York: Grove Press, 1963), 39.
  106. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1949(London: HMSO, 1950), 18.
  107. Ibid.
  108. Ibid.
  109. Ibid., 17.
  110. Anthony D. King, The Bungalow: The Production of a Global Culture(London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1984).
  111. Major G. E. Curtis and Captain E. H. Lang, “Report of Committee Enquiring into Pauperism in British Somaliland.”
  112. Ibid.
  113. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1948.
  114. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1946.
  115. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1952 and 1953(London: HMSO, 1954), 18.
  116. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  117. PRO/WO 222/1588, T. F. Anderson, “Medical History of Somaliland, 1939-1944” 1 March 1948.
  118. Medical Department Annual Report, 1956.
  119. Ibid.
  120. Ibid.
  121. Ibid.
  122. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  123. Ibid.
  124. William D. Johnson, “Tuberculosis,” in Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Kenneth F. Kiple 1066.
  125. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis Research Office, Tuberculosis Survey of the Somalilands(Copenhagen, 1956).
  126. Ibid. 30.
  127. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  128. Kenneth F. Kiple, “Syphilis,” in Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Kenneth F. Kiple, 1025.
  129. PRO/WO 32/13261, Military Governor’s Note on Somaliland, November 1944: Appendix B: Medical Policy.
  130. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1946.
  131. PRO/WO 222/1588, T. F. Anderson, “Medical History of British Somaliland, 1939-1944,” 1 March 1948.
  132. Ibid.
  133. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1948,
  134. John Hunt, General Survey,
  135. Medical Department Annual Report, 1951.
  136. Medical Department Annual Report, 1955.
  137. Medical Department Annual Report, 1955.
  138. Anne Hardy, “Relapsing Fever,” in Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Kenneth F. Kiple, 967-968.
  139. Ibid.
  140. Ibid., 969.
  141. Jama Mohamed, “Epidemics and Public Health,” 513.
  142. John Hunt, General Survey,
  143. W. C. D. Lovett, “Eradication of Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever in the Somaliland Protectorate.”
  144. Steven Feierman and John M. Janzen, “The Decline and Rise of African Population,” in Social Basis of Health and Healing,
  145. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1948(London: HMSO, 1949), 5.
  146. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Modern Economic History of Africa(Dakar: KODERSIA, 1993), vol.1; Dennis D. Cordell and Joel W. Gregory, African Population and Capitalism(Boulder: Westview Press, 1987); Dennis Cordell and Joel W. Gregory, Hoe and Wage: A Social History of a Circular Migration System in West Africa (Boulder: Westview Press, 1996); Bruce Fettered., Demography from Scanty Evidence: Central Africa in the Colonial Era (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990); Matthew Lockwood, Fertility and Household Labour in Tanzania: Demography, Economy, and Society in Rufiji District, c.1870-1986 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998); Archie Mafeje and Samir Radwan, eds., Economic and Demographic Change in Africa (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995).
  147. Bruce Fetter, “Demography in the Reconstruction of African Colonial History,” in Demography from Scanty Evidence,
  148. Ibid., 2.
  149. Major G. E. Curtis and Captain E. H. Lang, “Report of Committee Enquiring into Pauperism in British Somaliland.”
  150. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Colonial Office Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1948(London: HMSO, 1949), 5.
  151. Great Britain. Colonial Office. An Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories, 1951(London: HMSO, 1954), vol.2, p.122.
  152. Jama Mohamed, “Epidemic and Public Health,” 511.
  153. John Hunt, General Survey,
  154. I. M. Lewis, Peoples of the Horn of Africa(London: International African Institute, 1955), 49, who cited Hunt, 122.
  155. PRO/WO 32/10862, Annual Report on the Administration of British Somaliland, 1943.
  156. Military Governor’s Note on Somaliland, Appendix B; Medical Policy, November 1944.
  157. Ibid.
  158. Ibid.
  159. Ibid.
  160. Ibid; see also PRO, C.O.830/4, British Military Administration, 1945.
  161. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  162. Medical Department Annual Report, 1957.
  163. Medical Department Annual Report, 1957.
  164. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  165. Colonial Office Annual Reports on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1954 and 1955.
  166. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  167. Ibid.
  168. Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories,2, p.124.
  169. Annual Report on the Administration of British Somaliland, 1943.
  170. Megan Vaughan, Curing Their Ills,
  171. Ibid.
  172. W. C. Lovett, “Eradication of a Tick-Borne Fever in the Somaliland Protectorate,” 160.
  173. Ibid., 161.
  174. Ibid., 161.
  175. PRO/CO 859/221/1, Somaliland Protectorate. Social and Welfare Report, 1948.
  176. PRO/CO 859/221/1, P. A. R. French Beytagh, “Comments on the Report by Dr. Housden on the Homeless Boys in British Somaliland,” 27 March 1950.
  177. PRO/CO 830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1948.
  178. PRO/CO 859/221/1, R. H. Smith, “Note on Dr. Housden’s Report on the Homeless Boys of the Somaliland Protectorate,” 25 March 1950.
  179. PRO/CO 859/221/1, Dr. Leslie Housden, “Report on the Homeless Boys in British Somaliland,” February 1950.
  180. P. A. R. French Beytagh, “Comments on the Report by Dr. Housden on the Homeless Boys in British Somaliland,” 25 March 1950.
  181. PRO/CO 859/221/1, C.D.W, no.1932. Care of Destitute Children, 16 January 1951.
  182. Colonial Office Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1952 and 1953.
  183. PRO, C.O.830/8, Prison Department Annual Report, 1955.
  184. Ibid.
  185. PRO, C.O.830/5, Medical Department Annual Report, 1948.
  186. PRO, C.O.537/3618, “Future of Somaliland: Minutes of a Meeting Held in the Secretary of State’s Room on Friday, 17th December 1948.”
  187. Ibid.
  188. Ibid.
  189. Ibid.
  190. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  191. Steven Feierman and John M. Janzen eds., The Social Basis of Health and Healing(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), 9.
  192. Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories,2, p.123.
  193. Ibid.
  194. Medical Department Annual Report, 1958.
  195. Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories,2, p.123.
  196. Annual Administration Report, 1943.
  197. Colonial Office Annual Report on the Somaliland Protectorate, 1958 and 1959,
  198. Steven Feierman and John Janzen, “Introduction,” in Social Basis of Health and Healing in Africa,4-5.
  199. Mohamed Abdullahi Ahmed, “Somali Traditional Healers: Role and status,” in Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Somali Studies Annarita Puglielli (Rome: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 1998).
  200. Medical Department Annual Report, 1959.
  201. John Hargreaves, Decolonization in Africa(London: Longman, 1996), 12.
  202. David Arnold, “Introduction,” in Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies, David Arnold, 16.
  203. John Gascoine, Science in the Service of Empire. Joseph Banks, the British State and the Uses of Science in the Age of Revolution(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998); John Gascoine, “The Royal Society and the Emergence of Science as an Instrument of State Policy,” The British Journal for the History of Science,32, Part 2, no.113 (June 1999), 171-84; David N. Livingstone, “Tropical Climate and Moral Hygiene: The Anatomy of a Victorian Debate,” The British Journal for the History of Science,v.32, Part 1, no.112 (March 1999), 93-110.
  204. David Arnold, “Medicine and Colonialism,” in Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, ed. W. F. Bynum and Roy Porter, v.2 (London: Routledge, 1993), 1411.
  205. Ibid., 1406.
  206. Lord Rennell of Rodd, British Military Administration of the Occupied Territories in Africa During the War(London: HMSO, 1948).
  207. PRO/WO 23/94, Colonel F. R. W. Jameson, “Tour Impressions,” 5 September 1943.
  208. PRO/WO 23/13261, Military Governor’s Note on Somaliland, Appendix B: Medical Policy, November 1944.

Northeast African Studies

New Series, Vol. 6, No. 1/2 (1999), pp. 45-81


Published by: Michigan State University Press

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