
This bold move marks a turning point in Somaliland’s strategy, showing that it will chart its own course in a region fraught with geopolitical struggles

By  Gulaid Yusuf Idaan

In a bold and symbolic move, Somaliland has permanently closed the Egyptian Cultural Library in its capital, Hargeisa, citing “serious security concerns.” The expulsion of the library staff within a 72-hour deadline reflects the urgency and determination behind the decision. However, the significance of this act reaches far beyond the closure of a cultural institution. It serves as a clear message to any foreign power that Somaliland will decisively defend its sovereignty. This issue stands as a pivotal example for any country considering interference in Somaliland’s affairs or siding with Somalia’s weak and fragmented government.

Somaliland’s action highlights its broader strategy to assert its sovereignty and protect its national interests amid mounting geopolitical tensions in the Horn of Africa. As it seeks to distance itself from external influence, especially from countries like Egypt that support Somalia, Somaliland demonstrates a firm stance: any nation that invades Somaliland or aligns with Somalia will face unapologetic consequences.


Geopolitical Context: Somaliland’s Alignment with Ethiopia

The shutdown of the Egyptian Cultural Library occurs against the backdrop of regional power struggles, primarily involving Ethiopia, Egypt, Somalia, and Somaliland. This context reveals how national interests and alliances have intensified regional rivalries. In recent years, Somaliland has strengthened its ties with Ethiopia, granting the latter access to the Red Sea via the Berbera Port. In return, Ethiopia has shown signs of recognizing Somaliland’s long-sought independence—an action strongly opposed by Somalia.

Somalia’s weak central government struggles to assert control over its own territory, rendering it largely powerless to counter Somaliland’s growing assertiveness. This dynamic emboldens Somaliland to act independently and align itself with Ethiopia, distancing itself from Somalia and Egypt. The closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library serves as a statement of Somaliland’s intention to distance itself from any foreign powers that could destabilize its quest for independence, particularly those like Egypt that align themselves with Somalia’s interests.

Egypt’s Military Involvement: A Threat to Somaliland’s Sovereignty

Egypt’s increasing military involvement in Somalia has escalated tensions in the region. Egypt recently entered into a defense agreement with Somalia, reinforcing its military presence. For Somaliland, this partnership between Egypt and Somalia represents a direct threat to its sovereignty. Egypt’s military activities are seen as part of a broader strategy to project influence in the Horn of Africa, particularly as a counterbalance to Ethiopia. Somaliland shares Ethiopia’s concerns, perceiving Egypt’s involvement as an encroachment on its autonomy and aspirations for international recognition.

The closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library thus serves as more than a symbolic gesture—it is a direct response to Egypt’s support of Somalia’s government, which Somaliland views as illegitimate and weak. Somaliland’s decision to shut down a key cultural institution linked to Egypt signals that it will not tolerate foreign interference, especially from nations that support Somalia’s claim over Somaliland. This issue is a clear warning to any country that aligns itself with Somalia: Somaliland will respond forcefully and unapologetically to protect its sovereignty.

Asserting Sovereignty: A Warning to External Powers

The closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library is a bold assertion of Somaliland’s sovereignty, sending a strong message to external powers. Somaliland is showing that it will act decisively in the face of any foreign interference, particularly when it comes to nations like Egypt, which are perceived as backing Somalia. This situation is a powerful example for any nation that might consider supporting Somalia in its territorial disputes with Somaliland. The closure of the library stands as a clear statement: Somaliland will not tolerate foreign interference or support for Somalia’s government without taking firm, assertive action.

For Somaliland, the message is broader than just curbing Egypt’s influence. It signals to the international community that Somaliland will not hesitate to defend its autonomy, even if it means cutting ties with influential nations. This issue, therefore, serves as a precedent, warning any country that invades Somaliland or provides military or diplomatic support to Somalia’s government that they will face severe consequences.

Ethiopia-Somaliland Partnership: Strengthening Regional Alliances

The strategic partnership between Somaliland and Ethiopia plays a significant role in this geopolitical landscape. Ethiopia’s need for access to the Red Sea has led to the Berbera Port agreement, which strengthens both nations economically and geopolitically. As this partnership deepens, Somaliland gains a powerful ally, while Ethiopia secures its trade routes. However, this alliance also exacerbates tensions with Somalia, which views such agreements as violations of its territorial integrity.

Somalia has sought to counteract the Ethiopia-Somaliland partnership by deepening its military ties with Egypt and Turkey. However, Somaliland’s firm stance against Egyptian interference—demonstrated by the closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library—underscores its commitment to self-defense and regional stability. By taking such decisive actions, Somaliland is signaling that it will not be swayed by Egypt’s military presence in Somalia, nor will it allow its independence aspirations to be undermined by foreign alliances that favor Somalia.

Somaliland’s Bold Move, Shutting Down Egypt’s Cultural Library as a Clear Message to Global Powers
Egyptian Cultural Library in Somaliland’s capital, Hargeisa

Proxy War Concerns: Egypt’s Involvement Escalates Regional Tensions

The closure of the library also highlights Somaliland’s growing concerns about the potential for a proxy war in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia and Somaliland share a mutual suspicion of Egypt’s military involvement in Somalia, especially given the historical rivalry between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Nile River. Ethiopia, already locked in a diplomatic dispute with Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), fears that Egypt’s presence in Somalia is part of a broader strategy to counter Ethiopian influence in the region.

As Egypt’s military engagement in Somalia intensifies, Somaliland faces the risk of being drawn into a larger regional conflict. The closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library signals Somaliland’s determination to avoid becoming a battleground for foreign powers while also making it clear that it will protect its sovereignty and security at all costs.

Conclusion: Somaliland’s Bold Stand in a Complex Geopolitical Landscape

The permanent closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa is far more than a cultural or diplomatic move—it is a bold assertion of Somaliland’s sovereignty in the face of increasing foreign interference. This issue serves as a clear example for any country that invades Somaliland or supports Somalia’s weak and fragmented government. Somaliland is demonstrating that it will not tolerate external interference, particularly from nations like Egypt that back Somalia in the ongoing territorial dispute.

As Somaliland strengthens its alliance with Ethiopia, it is also distancing itself from Egyptian influence, reinforcing its position as a self-determined actor in the Horn of Africa. The closure of the library stands as a powerful warning to any foreign power: Somaliland will act swiftly and decisively to defend its independence. Any nation that seeks to challenge Somaliland’s sovereignty or support Somalia’s government can expect a firm and unapologetic response.

This bold move marks a turning point in Somaliland’s strategy, showing that it will chart its own course in a region fraught with geopolitical struggles. Somaliland’s actions in this case are a clear signal to the world—its sovereignty is non-negotiable, and it will not hesitate to take decisive action in the face of any external threats.

Gulaid Yusuf Idaan

Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Gulaid Yusuf Idaan is a distinguished senior lecturer at universities in Somaliland, specializing in diplomacy, politics, and international relations in the Horn of Africa. His independent scholarly work and extensive publications have established him as a leading expert in regional dynamics and diplomatic relations. In addition to his significant professional contributions, Gulaid is an aspiring university lecturer, holding multiple Master’s Degrees in International Law and Diplomacy, and International Relations