
Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland involves diplomatic engagement, legal measures, economic leverage, security, and military preparedness; public and media diplomacy; strategic partnerships; navigational security; support for Somalia; pressure on Somaliland; and engagement with the Federal Government of Somalia.

This strategic approach showcases Egypt’s commitment to maintaining its influence in the Red Sea region and shaping the geopolitical dynamics to serve its interests.

According to Egyptian security officials, Egypt is ready to take legal and diplomatic action to confront any plans that may harm its national security in the Horn of Africa region.


Let’s delve into the multifaceted approach Egypt is employing to assert its influence and safeguard its interests.

1. Diplomatic Engagement:

Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland involves utilizing coercive dialogue and manipulating international forums to assert its influence. By leveraging direct dialogues with Ethiopia and engaging with international bodies like the Arab League and the African Union, Egypt aims to impose its stance on the naval base, potentially straining bilateral relations and marginalizing the concerns of other regional nations. This diplomatic approach showcases Egypt’s commitment to securing its interests in the Red Sea region and maintaining its geopolitical influence.

2. Legal Measures:

In addition to diplomatic engagement, Egypt is also employing legal measures to challenge Ethiopian activities in Somaliland. By utilizing international legal mechanisms and selectively complying with international treaties, Egypt is using legal intimidation as a tool of geopolitical influence. This strategic maneuver allows Egypt to assert its dominance in the region and shape the narrative surrounding the Ethiopian naval base, further solidifying its position as a key player in Red Sea geopolitics.

3. Economic Leverage:

Economic coercion is another key aspect of Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By using economic tools such as sanctions and investment adjustments, Egypt aims to pressure Ethiopia and influence Somaliland’s decisions. Instrumentalizing aid and realigning investment strategies in the region, Egypt is leveraging its economic power to achieve political and strategic gains. This economic leverage underscores Egypt’s determination to maintain its influence in the Red Sea region and protect its national interests.

4. Security and Military Preparedness:

Egypt is also focusing on security and military preparedness as part of its aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By enhancing intelligence gathering and closely monitoring Ethiopian and Somaliland’s military and economic activities, Egypt is positioning itself to potentially interfere in the region. By displaying military might through drills and readiness, Egypt is sending a clear message of deterrence and readiness to protect its interests in the Red Sea. This strategic approach highlights Egypt’s commitment to safeguarding its security and asserting its dominance in the region.

5. Public and Media Diplomacy:

Propagandistic media use and opaque public relations are key components of Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By utilizing state-controlled media to propagate a narrative that demonizes Ethiopian actions and justifies Egypt’s aggressive stances, Egypt is shaping public opinion in its favor. By conducting public diplomacy that obscures the aggressive nature of its policies, Egypt is promoting regional security under the guise of strategic interests. This strategic use of public and media diplomacy showcases Egypt’s commitment to controlling the narrative and influencing public perception in the Red Sea region.

6. Strategic Partnerships:

Egypt is also focusing on strategic partnerships as part of its aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By forming exploitative alliances and dominating regional interactions, Egypt aims to isolate Ethiopia from regional support systems and assert its dominance. This strategic maneuver allows Egypt to leverage its partnerships to marginalize Ethiopia’s influence and shape the geopolitical landscape in the Red Sea region. By forging alliances that serve its interests, Egypt is positioning itself as a key player in regional affairs and solidifying its position as a dominant force in Red Sea geopolitics.

7. Threat of Influence and Navigational Security:

Exaggerating threats and controlling maritime routes are key aspects of Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By overstating the security threats posed by the Ethiopian base, Egypt is justifying aggressive naval deployments and asserting its control over key maritime routes. This strategic approach allows Egypt to maintain its influence in the Red Sea region and safeguard its navigational security. By taking assertive actions to control maritime routes, Egypt is positioning itself as a key player in the region and shaping the geopolitical dynamics in the Red Sea.

8. Support for Somalia:

Egypt’s support for Somalia is conditional and leveraged as part of its aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland. By providing military and economic assistance with strings attached, Egypt aims to sway Somalia’s internal and external policies in its favor. This strategic maneuver allows Egypt to influence Somalia’s government and align its strategies against Ethiopia. By leveraging aid for influence, Egypt is solidifying its position as a key player in the Red Sea region and shaping the geopolitical landscape to serve its interests.

9. Pressure on Somaliland and Engagement with the Federal Government of Somalia:

Egypt’s aggressive plan for the Ethiopian naval base in Somaliland involves applying diplomatic pressure to Somaliland and engaging with the Federal Government of Somalia. By using coercive diplomacy and undermining regional stability, Egypt is enforcing its preferred outcomes in negotiations with Somaliland.

This strategic approach allows Egypt to shape the political landscape in the region and maintain its influence in Red Sea geopolitics. By engaging with the Federal Government of Somalia, Egypt is positioning itself as a key player in regional affairs and solidifying its position as a dominant force in the Red Sea.