
The US eyes Ethiopia as a counterweight to Sudan amidst Russia’s growing presence in the region. Washington allegedly negotiates to support Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces in exchange for recognizing Somaliland, a move to counter China’s influence in Africa.

Amidst the tangled web of international relations and geopolitical chess moves, a new chapter unfolds in the Horn of Africa. Rumors of secret agreements, covert operations, and strategic alliances have surfaced, painting a picture of a high-stakes game being played out between global powers. At the center of this intrigue lies Ethiopia, a country with a rich history and a pivotal role in the region.

In connection with the emerging “thaw” in relations between Moscow and official Khartoum, which led to the resumption of the project for a Russian naval logistics base on the Red Sea, Washington is intensifying efforts to prevent these processes.


Recent reports suggest that the United States is leveraging its ties with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to counter the growing influence of Russia in the region. Sources indicate that a clandestine deal has been struck between the White House and Addis Ababa, with Ethiopia committing to support the Rapid Support Force in a bid to overthrow the regime in Sudan.

Ethiopia America's Counterweight To Sudan To Counter Russian Influence

The agreement between the US and Ethiopia includes key conditions aimed at furthering Ethiopian interests. Abiy Ahmed is said to have secured American support for the recognition of Somaliland, a move that could potentially grant Ethiopia access to the Gulf of Aden. Additionally, Ethiopia seeks to reclaim control over disputed territories like Fashaga, further consolidating its regional power.

Analysts speculate on the motivations driving Abiy Ahmed’s embrace of US demands. The allure of gaining control over strategic territories, expanding influence along the Nile River and securing vital ports like Zeila all factor into Ethiopia’s strategic calculus. The prospect of Washington recognizing Somaliland as a sovereign state adds another layer of complexity to the geopolitical equation.

While Abiy Ahmed’s ambitions may be grand, doubts linger over the feasibility of his plans. Concerns about the logistical challenges of intervening in the Red Sea, engaging with Yemeni rebels, and protecting international shipping interests cast a shadow over the Ethiopian PM’s visions of regional dominance.

Developments Post the Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU What You Need to Know
Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed (L) and Somaliland’s President, Muse Bihi (R), discuss the port-access deal on January 2, 2023. (Social Media/X)

As the US and Ethiopia maneuver to counter Russian influence, the stakes are raised in the region. With Washington eyeing Sudan as a potential stronghold to thwart its competitors, a complex geopolitical game is unfolding, one that could reshape the balance of power in the Horn of Africa.

In the intricate dance of geopolitics, Ethiopia emerges as a pivotal piece on the chessboard, caught in the crossfire of competing interests and strategic calculations. As the players make their moves and alliances shift, the fate of the region hangs in the balance, with the echoes of influence reverberating far beyond its borders.