Muuqaalka Askari Ka Tirsan booliska dalka Brazil oo Xaaskiisi ku dilay badhtamaha Suuq wayn oo ku yaala magaalada Uberlandia ee dalka Brazil, askarigan 46-jir ah, ayaa 11 xabadood oo rasaas meel dhow kaga toogtay markii ay dhimatayna ka tagay.
Rodrigues Carneiro lana sheegay inuu 46-jir, yahay, waxa uu ku sii dhuuntay meel uu filayay in xaaskiisu iman doonto, ka dibna markii uu arkay ayuu ku carraray oo uu dhex eryaday, jid wayn oo mashquul ah, laakiin xaaskiisi Veridiana Rodrigues Carneiro, oo 36-jir ahayd, kumay guulaysan inay ka baxsato waxaanu masaafo aad u gaaban kaga furay 11 xabadood oo rasaas ah.
Pic shows: Moment a police officer is chasing down and shooting his wife dead on the street.nnA police officer has been caught on film chasing down and shooting his wife dead on the street – including several shots fired at point-blank range to finish her off.nnThe incident happened when the 46-year-old man attacked his 36-year-old wife in the city of Uberlandia, in the south-east Brazil’s State of Minas Gerais, although both have not yet been officially named.nnAccording to sources, the couple were having a ferocious argument, the motive of which is unknown, when the woman, sensing danger, tried to run away.nnCCTV cameras recorded at 10:50am the moment her husband took off after her in the street, wielding his state-issued police gun and shot her in the back.nnShe slumps to the ground next to a parked car in the street and her husband approaches to finish her off, shooting her 11 times at close range.nnThe man then walks out of sight and reportedly locks himself up in his home, awaiting the inevitable arrival of the authorities.nnPolice special operations forces, Special Actions and Tactics Group (GATE), arrived soon after and surrounded the house. After hours of negotiation, during which the aggressor threatened to commit suicide, the man finally handed himself in.nnThe killer was then taken to a psychiatric unit in the Clinical Hospital of the University of Uberlandia, where he is currently receiving treatment under police custody.nnThe video has been shared on social media, causing disgust among users, one of whom asks: “What did she do to make him so angry?”, to which another replies: “What did SHE do?! There is nothing she could have done that would have justified that evil bast*rd killing her.”nn(ends)n