
The Government of the Republic of Somaliland recently released a statement rejecting any potential deployment of Turkish naval forces within Somaliland’s recognized maritime zones.

The government emphasized the importance of respecting the sanctity of its maritime boundaries and upholding international legal frameworks governing maritime territories.

The statement, issued from Hargeisa on July 24th, 2024, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, expressed the government’s firm commitment to protecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any encroachment.


“The Government of the Republic of Somaliland vehemently rejects any potential deployment of Turkish naval forces within Somaliland’s recognized maritime zones. These zones are delineated clearly under international law and are essential to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Somaliland,” an official statement by Somaliland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The government’s rejection of the deployment of Turkish naval forces stems from the clear delineation of Somaliland’s maritime zones under international law. According to the government, these zones are essential to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Somaliland.

The government also reaffirmed its adherence to the principles outlined in the 1964 OAU Cairo Declaration, which asserts the inviolability of African borders established at independence. It stressed that the boundaries between Somaliland and Somalia are internationally recognized and cannot be breached by any external party.

“Somaliland reaffirms its adherence to the principles set forth in the 1964 OAU Cairo Declaration, which asserts the inviolability of African borders established at independence. The boundaries between Somaliland and Somalia (formerly Italian Somalia) are internationally recognized and cannot be breached by any external party, including the Mogadishu Administration,” the statement added.

The reported intention of Turkish naval forces to operate in Somaliland’s maritime zones was deemed a grave violation of international law and Somaliland’s sovereign rights. The government emphasized that such unilateral actions undermine regional stability and contravene the spirit of peaceful coexistence among neighboring states. It called upon the international community to respect and uphold the sanctity of its maritime boundaries and encouraged all parties to engage in dialogue and respect established international legal frameworks governing maritime territories.

Furthermore, the government highlighted the proactive measures taken by Somaliland over the past 20 years to protect its territorial waters from piracy, human trafficking, and terrorism, stating that “through the Somaliland Coast Guard and in collaboration with our international partners, we conduct patrols, surveillance, and enforcement operations to safeguard our maritime zones. Our efforts and proactive measures, both at sea and on land, ensure the safety and security of our waters and the safe passage of international trade along our maritime borders.”

In conclusion, the government of Somaliland affirmed its commitment to fostering cooperative relationships with all nations based on mutual respect and adherence to international norms. It urged all stakeholders to support efforts to maintain peace, security, and stability in the region.

The government’s strong stance on protecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any encroachment reflects its dedication to upholding the rule of law in international relations. “The Government of the Republic of Somaliland will continue to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any encroachment, and we stand firm in our commitment to upholding the rule of law in international relations,” the statement concluded.

Read below the complete press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 

Somaliland Strongly Opposes Deployment Of Turkish Naval Forces In Its Maritime ZonesThe Government of the Republic of Somaliland vehemently rejects any “deployment” of the Turkish Naval Forces at Somaliland Maritime Zones.

Hargeisa, July 24th, 2024 – The Government of the Republic of Somaliland vehemently rejects any potential deployment of Turkish naval forces within Somaliland’s recognized maritime zones. These zones are delineated clearly under international law and are essential to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Somaliland.

Somaliland reaffirms its adherence to the principles set forth in the 1964 OAU Cairo Declaration, which asserts that the inviolability of African borders established at independence. The boundaries between Somaliland and Somalia (formerly Italian Somalia) are internationally recognized and cannot be breached by any external party, including the Mogadishu Administration.

Any unilateral action by external entities, such as the reported intention of Turkish naval forces to operate in Somaliland’s maritime zones, constitutes a grave violation of international law and Somaliland’s sovereign rights. Such actions undermine regional stability and contravene the spirit of peaceful coexistence among neighboring states.

The Government of Somaliland calls upon the international community to respect and uphold the sanctity of its maritime boundaries. We emphasize the need for all parties to engage in dialogue and respect established international legal frameworks governing maritime territories.

Furthermore, Somaliland remains committed to fostering cooperative relationships with all nations based on mutual respect and adherence to international norms. We urge all stakeholders to support efforts aimed at maintaining peace, security, and stability in the region.

For the past 20 years, Somaliland has had a robust framework for protecting its territorial waters from piracy, human trafficking, and terrorism. Through the Somaliland Coast Guard and in collaboration with our international partners, we conduct patrols, surveillance, and enforcement operations to safeguard our maritime zones. Our efforts and proactive measures, both at sea and on land, ensure the safety and security of our waters and the safe passage of international trade along our maritime borders.

The Government of the Republic of Somaliland will continue to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any encroachment, and we stand firm in our commitment to upholding the rule of law in international relations.