

1 Bandar Abbas is the name of an important Iranian port, but the name is only attested in Iran well after our site was abandoned. The name “Bandar Abbas” near Berbera is first recorded by Richard Burton (1910) in 1854–1855. “Bandar” means port in Persian and is a typical place name along the Somali coast, whereas “Abbas” is a popular Arabic name.
2 Yuni Sato provided information and shared images of the materials from the Kaw Don kiln site.
3 We thank Sheng Wei for reading the inscription.
4 Our quantification excludes coarse, unglazed transport jars, which we have been unable to date with precision and whose origin is equally uncertain. While this introduces an important bias, it is worth noting that these jars only represent a relevant part of the ceramic assemblage in two of our sites: Farhad (30%) and Biyo Gure (34%). In Siyaara and Bandar Abbas (which together represent 70% of imported items discussed here), they are only 1% of the pottery.


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