Genel Energy PLC (LON: GENL)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reaffirmed by Credit Suisse in a research note issued on Thursday, AnalystRatings.NET reports. They currently have a GBX 465 ($7.07) price target on the stock. Credit Suisse’s price target indicates a potential upside of 79.83% from the stock’s current price.
GENL has been the topic of a number of other research reports. Numis Securities Ltd reissued a “hold” rating and issued a GBX 418 ($6.36) price target on shares of Genel Energy PLC in a report on Friday, October 16th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reaffirmed an “overweight” rating and set a GBX 610 ($9.28) target price on shares of Genel in a research note on Wednesday, October 21st.
Beaufort Securities reissued a “speculative buy” rating on shares of Genel in a research note on Tuesday, October 27th. Deutsche Bank restated a “buy” rating and issued a GBX 700 ($10.65) target price on shares of Genel in a report on Thursday, September 10th.
Finally, Canaccord Genuity cut Genel Energy PLC to a “speculative buy” rating and lowered their price target for the stock from GBX 560 ($8.52) to GBX 450 ($6.85) in a report on Tuesday, October 20th. Seven analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and eleven have assigned a buy rating to the company’s stock. Genel presently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of GBX 518.40 ($7.89).
In other Genel news, insider Hayward, Anthony (Tony) B sold 150,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Monday, September 28th. The stock was sold at an average price of GBX 308 ($4.69), for a total transaction of £462,000 ($702,768.48). Also, insider Ozgul, Murat purchased 30,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Monday, November 2nd. The shares were purchased at an average cost of GBX 260 ($3.95) per share, with a total value of £78,000 ($118,649.22).
Genel Energy PLC (LON: GENL) traded down 1.1673% during trading on Thursday, reaching GBX 254.0000. 501,410 shares of the company’s stock traded hands. The company has a 50-day moving average of GBX 297.35 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 405.80. The firm’s market cap is GBX 707.09 million. Genel has a one-year low of GBX 248.50 and a one-year high of GBX 814.50.

Genel is a United Kingdom-based exploration and production business. The Company is an independent oil company in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Company is structured along two business sections being the geographical areas in which it manages: Africa and Kurdistan.
The African investigation portfolio includes eight licenses. It’d operational bases in Ankara, Turkey; in Erbil Taq Taq and Suleimaniah in London, and in the Kurdistan Region.
The Company’s subsidiary companies include: Genel Energy Holding Company Ltd, Genel Energy Somaliland Limited, A&T Petroleum Limited, Genel Energy UK Services Limited, Genel Energy Netherlands Holding 2 B., Phoenicia Energy Company Limited, Genel Energy Africa Exploration Limited and Genel Energy Somaliland Limited.